Trap, Neuter and Release (TNR)

SV Companies are very proud to support our veterinary partners and our local community. Sponsorship of TNR or Trap-Neuter-Release programs is one way we are committed to doing this – both in our area and in association with our clinics as they hold events to promote this practice.
Trap-Neuter-Release programs offer charities and the general public subsidized neutering procedures on feral cats – alongside a health check and screen for certain infectious diseases. The aim is to develop a healthy, neutered colony to control numbers and to reduce mortality rates, particularly in juvenile cats.
In an urban environment where humans and cats coexist and resources are limited, controlling the numbers this way can benefit the all inhabitants! The cats are trapped and taken to the vet clinic where they receive a health examination including for identification and microchip prior to neutering. The cats will be marked with an ear tip following the procedure to be easily identified and are returned and released to the area they were found.
TNR remains the only sustainable and effective approach to population medicine when considering our feral cat communities- we are proud to be a part of the solution.